Falcon Library

Hello Falcons!!

Week  7 of the school year provided so much fun with our first Penny War fundraiser in the last few years.  What we learned as a result of this war is our school and community are so generous and caring.  Additionally, we have found out who the ultra competitive staff and students are at Fontana!  The picture shared today was one year apart in our library.  In 2020 our library was a 5th grade classroom and in 2021 our library has been completely remade into a wonderful technology center of our school.  Here are FIVE things to know this week:

  1.  Reminder picture retake day is this Tuesday, October 19th (8:15-10:15) Please check for a flyer sent home with your student this past Wednesday.  If you need an order form please let the office know and we can send one home with your student or you're welcome to stop by.
  2. Our parent/teacher conference sign up continues and our conferences will begin next week Thursday 10/21/21 from 4-8pm.  Our first quarter ends on November 5th (middle school grade reporting) and our first trimester (for elementary 4k-5th grade reporting) ends on December 3rd.
  3. We continue to offer new and exciting programming for our school community.  In addition to our Wellness Wednesday parent meetings we are able to offer a limited number of year long opportunities work with our partners at EVOLVE Performance with either a nutritionist/wellness coach and/or a physical fitness trainer.  This is at no cost to you and we want to promote and encourage wellness to our entire community.  Please reach out to Nikki, our social worker (nchristensen@fontana.k12.wi.us) for more details or to get started.
  4. Falcon Spirit Wear update.  We had an initial order in August of this year and due to significant supply chain problems that order is still being completed.  They are working to resolve that order ASAP.  Our latest spirit wear order was done with greater intention to offer products that haven't had as much supply challenges.  We thank you for your patience and we will be sure to update everyone on both orders.  
  5. Next week is Fire Prevention Week.  We are always so fortunate to work with our Fire and EMT partners at the Fontana Fire Department.  Fire prevention week includes a fire drill with our fire department,  interactive time for students with our local fire fighters, and awareness of ways to prevent and deal with potential dangers related to fire prevention.

Our Fontana staff are incredible and they are working behind the scenes tirelessly, in addition to all the work being done in the classroom each day.  We are covering, problem solving, and working together each day to ensure high levels of learning for all.  Have a great weekend Falcons!

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