School update

Hello Falcons!!

Week 27 saw our school and local area call the first snow/ice day of the school year.  While safety is always our priority, we also hope that everyone enjoyed the time off for winter weather!  We have finished our last full week of February already.  Here are FIVE things to know this week:

  1. We are excited to report our second consecutive week without any new cases of COVID-19.  This is consistent with a drop in reported cases within our County and State.
  2. Our Science Fair was a huge success.  We are so grateful for our community and parent partners that supported our program.  We had screen printers, rocket engineers, outdoor camp activities, animals, and science projects.  Thank you to our staff and volunteers for all your hard work to make the science fair a great success.
  3. For safety, please remember during pick up and drop off that there are many cars and people moving around the front of the school.  Please do not exit your vehicle on the driver's side as there are other cars passing and moving through the line.  The parking lot is set up to move in one direction (north to south) and the flow of traffic is important to get everyone in and out as quickly as possible.
  4. Our drone club had another great class this Friday.  We have over 15 students and 5 drones running for our club.  The students had fun navigating a obstacle course and taking video/photos.
  5. All 8th grade students met with Big Foot for registration and discussion about their transition to 9th grade.  If you have any questions about high school or classes for your 8th grader, please contact Mr. Torrez at Fontana or Mr. AJ Paul at Big Foot for more information.  

Have a great weekend Falcons and enjoy the last days of February!  Here comes March :)

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